Over 10,300 Enrolments Since February 2023


Easy to Arrange - Saves Time & Money


available 24/4 using a PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone or smart device

Legal Obligation

Australia’s food safety laws are set by Food Standards Australia/New Zealand (FSANZ) and published in the Food Standards Code. This Code includes specific measures designed to protect consumers from contamination and foodborne disease. Despite this, reported cases of food poisoning in Australia continue to exceed 4 million a year. With no sign of improvement, FSANZ was forced to introduce tough new laws to mitigate the risk. So, in December 2022, Standard 3.2.2A (Food Safety Management Tools) was added to the Code and enforcement commenced from 8th December 2023.

These new food safety laws apply to every food business across Australia and make it unlawful for anyone to handle food without first completing a food safety training Course. When it comes to what qualifies as handling food, the law defines this as - the making, cooking, preparing, serving, packing, displaying, storing, and the delivery of food as well as the cleaning of equipment, utensils, surfaces and cutlery. This even applies to childcare operators where parents prepare the food.

This training must include safe food handling, contamination, cleaning & sanitising as well as personal hygiene as a bare minimum. But the actual content, the method of delivery, and how often it’s repeated are for the business owner to decide.

While there are any number of training courses on offer, most are overpriced, and you’ll be hard pressed to find any that are industry specific.

So, the Food Safety eLearning Academy (FSEA) was established to meet this need by providing high quality industry specific training solutions at a price everyone can afford. Developed with help from leading experts, our Courses comply with federal and state laws, mitigate risk, and help to instil food safety into the culture of your business.

In addition to food safety, the FSEA offers childcare infectious disease training developed in accordance with NHMRC Guidelines.

Our students gain the knowledge they need and learn how to apply it.

Over 10,300 Enrolments Since February 2023

With 24/7 access, students are free to learn at their own pace and at a time and place that best suits them. Just like a text book, each Course is made up of Chapters that take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete and each Chapter is made up of Lessons. Easy-to-understand written copy, diagrams, high-resolution images, and world's best practice instructional videos bring each Lesson to life.

There’s a FACT SHEET at the end of each Chapter for student to download and keep plus a Quiz. Both serve to reinforce the key learning outcomes for maximum knowledge retention. The successful completion of each Course is rewarded with an official Certificate of Completion.

The Food Safety eLearning Academy is proud to be a Partner Member.

  • Professional

    High quality multi-media factual content plus regularly published professional articles.

  • Available 27/4

    Simply connect to the internet using a PC, laptop, smart phone or smart device from anywhere and at any time.

  • Compliant

    Training content is compliant with Australian (Federal & State) laws and regulations.

  • 3 Months

    Once enrolled, students have 3 months to complete their Course.

  • Certificate

    Successful completion is recognised and rewarded with an official Certificate of Completion.

  • Affordable

    We deliver world-class online training and education at a price everyone can afford.

  • Fact Sheets

    Students receive FREE Fact Sheets with each Course. These reinforce the key learning outcomes & reduce the need for note taking.

  • Resource Library

    The results of our extensive research is made available through our Resource Library.

  • Community Platform

    Students receive FREE membership to our community platform to share knowledge and stay up to date.


"Knowledge is understanding how to use information to achieve an expected result"

“If training is relevant and engaging, it leaves a positive impression, the knowledge is more likely to be retained, performance improves, and it helps shape workplace culture and employee behaviour. This is what we strive to achieve.” - Graham Henrickson

Vision & Purpose

  • While the principles of food safety are universal, how they translate into work practices will differ from one industry to the next. These differences must be considered for food safety training to be effective in your business.
  • Our purpose is to develop training solutions that match the unique context and challenges of your business and to deliver peace of mind that your staff are effectively trained.


  • To establish ourselves as a market leader in non-accredited online food safety training for food handlers in Australian childcare, aged care, and hospitality.
  • To offer industry specific content developed with help from leading experts that delivers a high-quality learning experience to match the context and needs of a student’s actual workplace environment.

What We Teach

  • Nationally recognised knowledge and skills in compliance with State & Federal legislation.
  • A curriculum developed in accordance with the Australian Food Standards Code and the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) that is also aligned with the regulations of key industry bodies. This includes the ACECQA National Quality Framework and the Residential Aged Care Star Rating System.
  • Content that is subject to regular reviews and is updated to reflect changes to legislation and industry guidelines.

Expected Outcomes

  • Students have the knowledge and skills required by law and a greater understanding of how to use them.
  • Students are better skilled and more capable of identifying and addressing risks to the health and wellbeing of their customers, clients, and those in their care.

Graham Henrickson

Founder & Managing Director

A highly successful senior business leader with a unique knowledge and skillset. Graham Henrickson began his career with Myer stores and rose through the ranks while completing a Business Management Degree with a Major in Human Resources and Organisational Psychology. He went on to work with some of the world's leading brands in Australia and at an international level. In 2007 Graham left the corporate world to start his own management consulting firm. Then while working on a food safety project, he was shocked to learn Australia records 4 to 5 million cases of food poisoning a year. This was the catalyst that led him to launch the Food Safety eLearning Academy in early 2023. A decision made without knowing food safety training was set to become law. Graham believes the solution to behavioural change is in education and he is no stranger to competency based training and elearning platforms. His aim is to provide high quality professional online training that is affordable for everyone.


There Are Benefits With Both

  • Is this an Accredited or Non-accredited Course?

    The Food Safety eLearning Academy is not an RTO (Registered Training Organisation) so the Courses we offer are non-accredited.

  • What defines an Accredited Course?

    Accredited Courses are delivered by an RTO to a set national standard curriculum and come with a nationally recognised certificate. Accredited Courses are often a requirement for jobs with greater authority - like a Food Safety Supervisor.

  • Are Food Handlers required to undertake an Accredited Course?

    No, food handlers are not required to complete an accredited course and there is no such course in Australia. However, food handlers are required by law to have food safety training but how, when and how often is up to each business owner to decide. As for ‘what’ the training needs to cover – the law requires this to include safe food handling, contamination, cleaning & sanitising as well as personal hygiene as the bare minimum.

  • Why undertake a Non-accredited Course?

    A non-accredited courses is no less valuable than an accredited one. They are particularly good for learning new skills or building on existing proficiencies. Typically, they're more practical, shorter in duration, and cheaper. This means you can gain a new skillset in less time and at less cost. They are an equally important addition to your Resume.